
Showing posts from April, 2011

How to Create Folder, Share Folder and Permission Using Batch File

1. Type call, 1userdir.bat and user name 3 teacher bellow and save as batch file, say userdir.bat ____________________________________ CALL 1USERDIR.BAT AFZAM CALL 1USERDIR.BAT IDAH CALL 1USERDIR.BAT NOORANIS __________________________ 2. Type one more batch file contain information about create folders, share folders and permission folder to user and admin (pentadbir). Save this file, say 1USER1DIR.BAT. _____________________________________________________________ md F:\GURU\DATA\%1 rmtshare \\dea2191si001\%1 = f:\GURU\DATA\%1 /GRANT "dea2191\pentadbir":f /GRANT "dea2191\%1":f xcacls F:\GURU\DATA\%1 /e /g pentadbir:f %1:f /r everyone ______________________________________________________ Note: F - partition GURU\DATA - Guru - folder, data is sub folder to guru Dea2191 - domain name of server (application server) md F:\GURU\DATA\%1 - create folder to 3 teachers, %1 - variable for teacher. Second line - create shared permission to teachers and give full permission...

How to Create User Using Batch File

1. Type user name, full name, password, comment, home drive, home path, profile and script (press ctrl - to see hidden file) in the MS Excel. Save your file as usert.bat (any name) in folder, say createaccount. Here I will show how to create 3 users using batch file. User Name Full Name password Comment Home Drive Home Path Profile Script AFZAM NORAFZAM BT JUSOH guru2011 Practical's Teacher U: \\DEA2191SI001\AFZAM loging.bat IDAH HAMIDAH MAT HASSAN guru2011 Practical's Teacher U: \\DEA2191SI001\IDAH loging.bat NOORANIS NOORANIS BT MOHAMAD HALMI guru2011 Practical's Teacher U: \\DEA2191SI001\NOORANIS loging.bat Note : DEA2191SI001 - server name (application server), Profile - leaving blank (speed up at login's time ) 2. Copy adduser.exe form this link (adduser_x86.exe don't work, please find adduser.exe) and save same folder, folder createaccount. 3. Click start button, type cmd in the search program and file's box. 4. Command window appear. Type di...

How To Join Domain For Windows 7 Professional

1. Click Start and click computer. 2. Right click any area of computer frame/windows and choose properties. 3. Choose and click advanced system settings. 4. Choose and click computer name. 5. Choose and click button change. 6. On frame computer name/domain changes, change computer name to appropriate name and type your domain name bellow domain. 7. Click button OK and frame windows security appear. Type username admin and password. Click button OK. 8. ... I forgot, but after you click button OK system properties, computer need to restart. 9. So, users can login this pc.

Windows 7 Trust Relationship Failed (unjoin domain)

I had a IT Admin had been trying to login to a Windows 7 desktop that had not been fail to login due to reinstall new domain server. I kept getting a message when trying to logon that said “the trust relationship between this workstation and primary domain failed”. When trying to login as the local Administrator account, it said that the account was disabled. By default, Windows 7 disables the local Administrator account. The desktop was encrypted, so resetting any passwords by means of a third party password recovery disk could cause the data to be irretrievable. After some research, I(admin) found that I can boot the system with the network cable unplugged and login (as admin) with cached network credentials. After that I can unjoin the domain and restart the pc. The admin was able rejoin domain again and every teachers can be login after plug in the network cable. After a reboot, the PC could login to the domain normally. source:

Cara Menggunakan Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dalam Laman YouTube

1. Tuliskan dalam ruang alamat. 2.Tuliskan apa bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam ruang carian, contoh locus mathematic. 3. Setelah jumpa pilih bahan yang dikehendaki. 4. Klik pada buton share. 5. Klik pada Embed. Salin semua kod yang diberikan dan paste ke dalam blogger anda.

Cara Menggunakan Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran dalam Laman slideshow

1. Tulis alamat dalam ruang alamat. 2. Tuliskan apa bahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam ruang carian. 3. Setelah jumpa pilih slide yang dikehendaki. 4. Klik pada Embed dan klik pada buton copy 5. Paste dalam ruang blog anda. Secondary 4 - Locus View more presentations from Missdawnchia

Mempercepatkan Browser

Browsing Internet dengan kecepatan yang tinggi pasti sangat menyenangkan, berbagai cara dilakukan untuk mempercepat koneksi internet baik menggunakan software agar koneksi internet menjadi lebih cepat maupun menggunakan settingan tertentu yang diklaim bisa mempercepat koneksi internet. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips yang dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat koneksi internet : A. Menggubah setting bandwith pada windows (Hanya kami uji pada Windows XP) . Pada dasarnya OS windows sudah membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth yang seharusnya bisa maksimal, jika netter ingin menambah bandwidth internet supaya koneksinya terasa lebih cepat dan kencang bisa dengan cara mengurangi atau mengosongkan batasan bandwidth tersebut supaya pada Windows kita bisa maksimal dalam menggunakan bandwidth yang sudah ada. Ikuti petunjuknya seperti dibawah ini : 1. Klik Start 2. Klik Run 3. Ketik gpedit.msc 4. Kemudian klik Ok 5. Setelah masuk klik (buka) Administrative Temp...