
Showing posts from 2013


4.2 PARAMETER PASSING USING POINTERS What do you understand by parameter passing? It is important when you use functions. How does parameter passing relate to pointers? Pointers are normally passed to functions. This way, we pass the address to a local variable that points to the actual location of the data item by the calling program. The value that is changed in the function will change the value at the actual location. This method of passing is known as passing by reference or  reference passing. Program 4.1 #include #include  #include #include float calculateTotal1(int, int, int, float); float calculateTotal2(int, int, int *, float *); int main(){ int total1, total2, i, total; float average1, average2, average;                  total1 = total2 = 0;               average1 = average2 = 0.0;  for (i=1;i<=9;i++) total +=1; average = (float) total /8; printf(" %d %....

Import thing installation UBUNTU server

1. Change root user # sudo su # sudo passwd root  enter root password 2. Using putty # apt-get install ssh openssh-server 3. Install ftp # apt-get install pure-ftpd_common pure-ftpd-mysql

Installing Moodle on a Debian-based LAMP server

1. Get the Moodle code 1.a Install  Install the Moodle package from the command-line interface and follow the prompts: sudo apt-get install moodle 1.b Either by downloading the tar-archive The Moodle download site [6] runs a script which fetches archives from the mirrors of [7] . The logic is that moodle-X.Y.Z.tgz means the point release X.Y.Z and moodle-latest-XY.tgz stands for the version X.Y.latest+ of branches still supported. See the examples below: # wget # wget # wget # wget # wget # wget # wget http://dow...


(1) BISMILLAH (Dengan nama Allah) Barangsiapa membaca sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak tidur, nescaya terpelihara dari godaan dan gangguan syaitan, dari bencana manusia dan jin, daripada kecurian dan kebakaran, dan daripada kematian terkejut. Dan barangsiapa membaca sebanyak 50 kali diahadapan orang yang zalim, hinalah dan masuk ketakutan dalam hati si zalim serta naiklah keberanian dan kehebatan kepada pembaca. (2) SURAH AL-FATIHAH (Pembukaan) Barangsiapa membacanya sebanyak 41 kali diantara sembahyang sunatnya, nescaya permintaannya di perkenankan, jika sakit lekas sembuh dan nescaya dikasihi oleh makhluk dan ditakuti oleh musuh. Barangsiapa membaca 20 kali sesudah tiap-tiap sembahyang fardhu, nescaya rezkinya dilapangkan oleh Tuhan dan bertambah baik keadaannya, serta bercahaya rohaninya. (3) AYAT AL-KURSI (Kekuasaan Allah) Barangsiapa membacanya sekali selepas setiap sembahyang fardhu, nescaya terpelihara dari tipudaya dan ganguan syaitan. Dengan membacanya, seorang yang miskin aka...

Working with Columns on the Joomla Frontpage

Working with Columns on the Joomla Frontpage Log into your Joomla 3.0 Admin dashboard In the top menu, click  Menus  and then click  Main Menu  (or the menu with a logo of a house to the right) In the list of Menu Items, find and  click on the menu item  that has a  yellow star  under the Home  column Click the  Advanced Options  tab at the top of the page Click to expand the  Blog Layout Options  section You'll want to pay attention to the following settings: # Intro Articles Number of articles to show after the leading article. Articles will be shown in columns. # Columns The number of columns in which to show Intro Articles. Normally 1, 2, or 3. For the columns setting, enter the number of columns that you want. Then, enter the number of articles that you want to show in columns. For example, if you have 3 columns and 4 intro articles, you'll end up having 2 rows of three columns, but two columns will be blank....

Masalah Display Dalam Moodle 2.3 and 2.4 Above

1. Kebetulan aku upgrade and update ubuntu 12.04. Masalah display timbul menyebabkan aku binggung .. 2. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut ialah dengan mengklik theme designer mode dalam menu theme settings seperti gambar di bawah.