How to Setup Standalone Apache Server with Name-Based Virtual Hosting with SSL Certificate – Part 4
Requirements Please refer to Part 1 of the current series (“ Installing Network Services and Configuring Automatic Startup at Boot ”) for instructions on installing and starting Apache. By now, you should have the Apache web server installed and running. You can verify this with the following command. # ps -ef | grep -Ei '(apache|httpd)' | grep -v grep Note : That the above command checks for the presence of either apache or httpd (the most common names for the web daemon) among the list of running processes. If Apache is running, you will get output similar to the following. Check Apache Processes The ultimate method of testing the Apache installation and checking whether it’s running is launching a web browser and point to the IP of the server. We should be presented with the following screen or at least a message confirming that Apache is working. Check Apache Webpage Configuring Apache The main configuration file for Apache...